Buy Iboga Ibogaine online

Buy Iboga Ibogaine online

Iboga Blessings Ibogaine > Buy Iboga Ibogaine online

Buy Iboga Ibogaine online

What is It Ibogaine?

Ibogaine is the psychoactive alkaloid from the root bark of the African bush Tabernanthe Iboga. Ibogaine is both a therapeutic and psychoactive addiction-breaker.
In recent years, the knowledge of the ability of Ibogaine has increasingly grown on how to break drug and alcohol addiction. Scientific studies also show that a single administration of Ibogaine can significantly reduce or even remove symptoms of withdrawal. Furthermore, reports and research shows that the desire for the preferred drug(s) are eliminated for either a long period or permanently.

Psychoactive properties of Ibogaine

The psychoactive properties of Ibogaine induce a heightened spiritual experience. The patient experiences profound insight, giving them clarity into their lives, which motivates them to change on a psychological level and live drug-free lives.

Studies endorse that Ibogaine has considerable potential in the treatment of hard drug addiction, for example, heroin, methadone, cocaine, crack, and alcohol. There are also indications that it is useful in the treatment of tobacco addiction.

Ibogaine also offers opportunities as psychotherapy or spiritual teacher. In the field of psychotherapy, Ibogaine can be used as a treatment for the effects of trauma or conditioning.

The difference between Ibogaine and Iboga root bark is that the root bark alkaloids contain and include the Ibogaine Tabernanthe from the Iboga root. Ibogaine however merely contains scientifically recognized alkaloid with the known actions.

Iboga Blessings

Iboga Blessings specializes in and is committed to supplying HIGH-QUALITY Tabernanthe Iboga Products. Our farm is harvested under the supervision of local tribes to ensure that the Iboga products produced are ONLY THE BEST IN QUALITY.

Iboga Tabernanthe Root Bark

Iboga Tabernanthe Root Bark or Iboga is a perennial Rainforest shrub, a hallucinogen native to Western Central Africa. Iboga stimulates the central nervous system when taken in small doses and induces visions when taken in larger doses. In the parts of Africa where the plant grows, the bark is chewed for various pharmacological or ritualistic purposes.

Ibogaine, the active alkaloid, is also used to treat substance abuse disorders.

Buy Iboga Powder online | Iboga powder for sale

Buy Iboga Powder online. Ibogaine is a naturally occurring psychoactive substance found in plants in the Apocynaceae family such as Tabernanthe iboga, Voacanga Africana and Tabernaemontana undulata. It is a psychedelic with dissociative properties. buy iboga powder online legally.

It is used as an alternative medicine treatment for drug addiction in some countries. Its prohibition in other countries has slowed scientific research. Ibogaine is also used to facilitate psychological introspection and spiritual exploration. Derivatives of ibogaine that lack the substance’s psychedelic properties are under development. iboga powder for sale.

The psychoactivity of the root barks of the iboga tree (Tabernanthe iboga), from which ibogaine is extracted, was first discovered by the Pygmy tribe of Central Africa who passed the knowledge to the Bwiti tribe of Gabon. French explorers, in turn, learned of it from the Bwiti tribe and brought iboga back to Europe in 1899-1900 where it was subsequently marketed in France as Lambarene. Ibogaine-containing preparations are used for medicinal and ritual purposes within African spiritual traditions of the Bwiti, who claim to have learned it from the Pygmy peoples. Although it was first commonly advertised as having anti-addictive properties in 1962 by Howard Lotsof, its Western use predates that by at least a century. In France, it was marketed as Lambarène and used as a stimulant. Also, the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) studied the effects of ibogaine in the 1950s. buy iboga powder online cheap.