Iboga TA Extract 8 gram (Iboga Total Alkaloid Extract)

Iboga TA Extract 8 gram (Iboga Total Alkaloid Extract)

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Iboga TA Extract 8 gram (Iboga Total Alkaloid Extract)




BUY IBOGA TA Online – Iboga TA for sale Online

BUY IBOGA TA Online – Iboga TA for sale Online.TA stands for “total alkaloid.” Iboga TA is an extract containing all the alkaloids present in the iboga root bark. The alkaloids can be extracted from the root bark relatively easily via an acid/base extraction.

Even weak acids such as acetic acid are strong enough to convert iboga alkaloids into salts. Vinegar (any vinegar will do, although clear white vinegar makes it easy to see what’s going on in the solution) containing 5% acetic acid is sufficient.

  1. First, ensure that the root bark is finely powdered.
  2. Add the powder to a container, e.g., a glass jar, a ceramic bowl, a plastic bucket, etc.
  3. Then add enough vinegar to completely cover the powder. It is preferable to add more than enough vinegar than not enough. The free base alkaloids are completely insoluble in water, so will completely precipitate out of the solution.
  4. Mix thoroughly to ensure that all alkaloids are converted to their salt form (if using vinegar, they will be converted to their acetate salts).
  5. As an added measure, you may let the mixture sit overnight.
  6. Filter out the solid plant matter using a coffee filter, cloth, t-shirt, etc. and collect the liquid in a second container (in this case a glass jar may be preferable as it lets you see into the solution).
  7. Now add a base. Any base will do, ammonium hydroxide is ideal as it can be easily evaporated afterward. If one has trouble finding food grade ammonium hydroxide, then sodium carbonate makes a good alternative. Sodium carbonate can be prepared from sodium bicarbonate by heating the bicarbonate to 50C. This can be done in a metal pot or can be done in a solution. On adding sodium carbonate, effervescence (bubbling) will be observed. This means that there is acid present in the solution so keep adding sodium carbonate until no more effervescence occurs (meaning all acid has been neutralized). At the point when the effervescence stops, the alkaloids should begin precipitating out. Add enough carbonate until all alkaloids have precipitated out. The precipitated alkaloids may appear as black flakes or brown powder.
  8. The alkaloids can then be filtered out with a coffee filter and dried using a calcium chloride desiccating chamber (simply place calcium chloride in a bowl, put a piece of tin foil on top of the calcium chloride, put the alkaloids on the tin foil, then seal up the bowl with some cling film).

BUY IBOGA TA Online – Iboga TA for sale Online


This is only a raw botanical specimen. This natural product is delivered with no implied or expressed usage for any purpose.
The product is packaged as an herbal product and it is not intended, branded, labeled, and or marketed as a consumer product.
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Additional information

Our Tabernanthe Iboga TA (Total Alkaloid) Extract contains all the complete spectrum of alkaloids of Iboga root bark, but none of the wood – making it far easier to use. Iboga contains about 70% Ibogaine, which is converted to its HCL form in your stomach. It also contains other psychoactive alkaloids, Ibogamine, Iboxigaine, Gabonine, Iboquine, Kisantine, and Ibolutenine. These other compounds have been less extensively studied than Ibogaine, but nonetheless play their role in the power of “The Sacrament”. Our Iboga TA Extract is between 50%-60% purity. So approximately 1.7g-2g of our TA Extract contains the same amount of Ibogaine as 1g of Ibogaine HCL (Hydrochloride) plus the added bonus of the extra naturally occurring alkaloids. Both Iboga TA and Ibogaine HCL provide similar experiences and the same anti-addictive experience. Customers who are interested in experiencing a full Iboga experience without needing to ingest large quantities of rootbark often choose this option as it is far easier on the stomach and liver, whilst providing the same spiritual experience. This product is lab extracted and stored at -18c to maintain maximum potency.


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